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TRUSAIC HR and managers comparing employee compensation and how pay adjustments are determined. This will be crucial The next subset to plan strategic communica­ for communicating to employees directly impact­ tions to is your HR and managerial employees. In ed by any wage changes and equally as important terms of messaging, the main difference between for employees whose pay remains the same. this group of employees and the C-suite is these individuals will focus primarily on communicating In short, individual contributors need to under­ individual salary changes and less on big-picture stand why their pay is changing and why it's metrics. not changing. Your HR team and managers will be responsible for delivering these important HR and managers will be responsible for discuss­ discussions. ing changes in pay to the rest of your workforce. Your pay equity communications plan for HR and The communications plan for this group should managers should therefore include step-by-step also include verbiage about receiving assistance instructions for how pay equity is being deter­ from any third-party consultants. And your HR mined in your organization. As such, it's most leads should be able to talk about the details of beneficial to educate them on the methodology the partnership accurately. used for identifying pay inequity and remediating it when found. In developing your communications plan for HR and managers, consider providing them with Pay equity methodology includes the wage in­ various resources to assist them in talking about fluencing factors your organization takes into compensation with the remainder of your work­ account when paying employees differently. It force. Speaker prompts, FAQs, guides, and talking also includes how groupings are constructed for points could all be of immense value to this group.

The Pay Equity Communications Planner - Page 6 The Pay Equity Communications Planner Page 5 Page 7