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TRUSAIC Employees should be encouraged to talk about pay if they are interested in doing so. Pay trans­ parency can facilitate a positive, open work en­ vironment. In fact, including your employees in the conversation around pay is a way of increasing inclusion sentiment - a key driver for advancing DEi initiatives. Choosing to address discussions of pay in an inclusive and direct way will help your organization navigate compensation communica­ tions strategically in a way that is sensitive to every employee's concerns. To learn more about the benefits of employee in­ clusion and pay transparency, read our research report, Creating a Culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, conducted by Harvard Business Review. Individual workers Download Trusaic HBR Research Report Unlike top-level leadership, individual workers will have a perspective on the organization's pay equity goals that impact them personally. The AHM.nlt SUMCQ communications plan for this group should fo­ cus on key terms such as: pay equity, pay gap, pay disparity, remediation, pay analysis groups (PAGs), and bona fide factors. Use these terms strategically and clearly so that individual con­ tributors understand how pay equity works. Creating a Culture of Diversity, It's critical to recognize that individual contribu­ Equity, and Inclusion: tor conversations are not all the same. Some Real Progress Requires Sustained Commitment individual contributors will be receiving compen­ sation adjustments with the timing and amounts potentially varying, and still other employees will not receive any adjustments. These various individual worker groups should understand the elements of a pay equity analysis and the importance of wage influencing factors _.,. TRUSAIC 1§11111) as they apply to your organization to eliminate or minimize apparent pay gaps.

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