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TRUSAIC Executives and the C-suite C-suite leadership will be interested in learning about the impacts pay equity is having on your organization's bottom line, as well as investor and Investors and shareholders employee perception, and any legal risk. Your pay equity communications plan should provide This group cares most about the big picture and instructions for disclosing this information to up­ where your organization is headed. Your com­ per-level roles within your organization. munication efforts to this audience should be strategic and include key performance indicators In your communication efforts to this audience, that demonstrate holistic progress. highlight key data points to watch for throughout the pay equity journey, such as share price, ESG Share the details of where your organization is ratings, and compliance with any necessary legal headed with pay equity. Disclose the steps you've requirements imposed by state or international taken and what you anticipate to come in the fu­ regulators. ture. If, for example, you've recently conducted a pay equity audit, your communications plan may Executives at the top of your organization will also want to include how the analysis was conducted be interested to see how pay equity is improving and if you had any assistance from a third-party your organization's culture and overall business expert. performance. If you're experiencing higher em­ ployee morale, increased retention, and higher Details regarding your pay equity initiatives and output as a result of your pay equity efforts, then any partners you are working with to achieve include key performance indicators demonstrat­ them, can instill confidence in investors and ing such benefits in your communications. Be shareholders. Show them you're taking pay equity sure to emphasize that the greater success is seriously. coming from your various pay equity initiatives.

The Pay Equity Communications Planner - Page 5 The Pay Equity Communications Planner Page 4 Page 6