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TRUSAIC Shared accountability is critical for many busi­ Organizations that take ownership in this manner ness functions and pay equity is no different. To not only see greater progress in achieving pay ensure no one person is held responsible for pay equity, they're also further along in the pay equity equity, create a committee within your organiza­ maturity model. tion for holding department heads accountable for pay equity communications. Download The Pay Equity Maturity Model Your pay equity communications plan should clearly identify specific individuals, what they're SAIC responsible for, how they will be accountable Ascending the Pay Equity Maturity Model (through, for example, incentives), and how they Early level understanding of pay equity No robust pay equity measurement sysh:1m in place t-:� are actively communicating progress in and out­ Lacking DEi culture Level 1: No measurement of employee inclusion Foundational Low compliance with pay e,quity laws side of your organization. Poor workforce diversity , and communk:ated Beyond tasking specific individuals with com­ Initiatives are underway for achieving pay equity Pay equity, diYersity measurement system in place and . municating pay equity, taking ownership means being used 0� Inclusion sentiment measured and acted upon making explicit efforts to achieve the initiative. Actr.'ety meeting with employees to inform of progress Level 2: towards pay equity, leveraging their feedback Programmatic ComplLant with pay equity laws Some organizations ensure success by tying Improving diversity representation organizational leaders' compensation, like the onstrat• progr•as CEO's, to goals around pay equity. Pay equity, divenoity, hiring, promotion, and retention equity goals achieved tools to ensure alt new pay decisions are fair and competitive Progress. achievement, and sustainability efforts This type of initiative ensures that pay equity communicated to all stakeholders ESG and CSR reporting in place gets prioritized and it demonstrates a commit­ Highest EDGE leYel certificatic.n aohieYed Leader compensation tied to DEi goal achievement ment from the top-down. Additionally, it allows Pay equity is an ongoing effort. It requires long-term commitment. for everyone to get involved and promotes shared TRUSAIC accountability across the entire organization. 3530 WIishire Btvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010 TRUSAIC.COU d1soc:war@trusa1c com

The Pay Equity Communications Planner - Page 18 The Pay Equity Communications Planner Page 17 Page 19