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TRUSAIC f After you've established specific instructions for Be sure to factor in room for unplanned messag­ communicating pay equity to each audience, con­ ing as well. If you've made breakthrough progress, sider the importance of regularly scheduled mes­ hit a major milestone unexpectedly, or established saging. Pay equity is important to a lot of people. a plan for accelerating your progress towards To address each of your different audiences' achieving pay equity, it should be celebrated and needs, your overall plan should include regularly that may call for unplanned communications. scheduled updates on progress. Bottom line? Compensation is an important topic While there is no set cadence for communicat­ for most people, so it's critical that you regularly ing pay equity progress, your approach should provide status updates. be systematic and consistent. You could, for in­ stance, align your pay equity communications with annual reporting. Pay equity management, You want everyone to feel after all, should be treated just like any other business function and warrants thorough mea­ comfortable about the surement and monitoring. What matters most progress you're making, is that your overall pay equity strategy includes routine progress announcements. and actively communicating that will help. If you're taking a more aggressive approach to achieve pay equity, meaning you're trying to get there as quickly as possible, it would be best to announce communications on a more frequent basis. Work with the necessary stakeholders to de­ velop a schedule that works for your organization.

The Pay Equity Communications Planner - Page 16 The Pay Equity Communications Planner Page 15 Page 17