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TRUSAIC Employers are increasingly being asked to pro­ meaningful progress towards achieving pay equi­ vide environmental, social, and governance {ESG) ty in the workplace. What happens next is crucial metrics to their stakeholders. A component of the to your goals and how the world will evaluate your social aspect that has taken center stage over the efforts. Communicating pay equity to stakehold­ last several years is pay equity. ers is key and special attention should be given to your many different audiences. Pay equity is the concept of paying workers fairly, free of any type of discrimination. Incorporating We created The Pay Equity Communications pay equity into your workplace compensation Planner to help you share your pay equity prog­ structure is easier said than done. It requires ress in a thoughtful and actionable way. top-down commitment, a culture deeply rooted in diversity, equity, inclusion, and access {DEl&A), Throughout this document, we dive into the six and like any other business function, it requires steps you should take to develop your pay equity plan setup and strategy, with important metric communications plan as well as highlight specific monitoring and management. As the saying goes, details pertinent to different audiences. But first, "what gets measured, gets managed:' we wanted to talk about why you should think about your messaging. Let's say your organization is well underway with the above and you're on your way to making

The Pay Equity Communications Planner - Page 2 The Pay Equity Communications Planner Page 1 Page 3
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